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What is the underwriting process in life insurance?

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Home / Life Insurance / Underwriting Process in Life Insurance

In India, life insurance is an essential financial tool that provides peace of mind and financial protection to individuals and their families. However, before obtaining a policy, it's crucial to understand the life insurance underwriting process. This process is the backbone of the insurance industry and involves assessing an individual's risk and determining the appropriate premium for coverage. In this guide, we'll take a comprehensive look at India's life insurance underwriting process, including the factors considered, how it works, and how to obtain the best policy for your needs. Read on to learn more.

What does underwriting mean in Life Insurance? 
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If you're applying for life insurance, the underwriter will evaluate your risk profile through a process called "Life Insurance Underwriting". This procedure considers many factors that could influence your insurance premiums, and other factors.

The underwriting phase for life insurance starts after you submit the application. It involves determining the appropriate coverage level and policy premium. An underwriter is assigned to your application to determine your risk profile. This allows the insurance company to adjust the premium and coverage as necessary.

Underwriting for life insurance involves a comprehensive evaluation of factors such as age, gender, medical history, lifestyle, interests, and financial stability and is based on actuarial calculations of mortality rates, which is a standard practice in the insurance industry.

Who is an insurance underwriter?
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An insurance underwriter is someone who works for an insurance business and whose job is to determine whether or not the premium being given is sufficient compensation for the risk being taken on the insured's life or health.

Therefore, an underwriter's primary duty is to check the applicant's information and supporting documentation for inconsistencies and determine if the applicant is suitable for the insurance policy they have requested. They can request medical exams or look into your background to underwrite a policy for you if necessary.

2 Types of Life Insurance Underwriting
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The life insurance industry uses several distinct underwriting methods. Learn about the many forms of life insurance underwriting by reading the advice below.

1. Financial Underwriting
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Financial underwriting in life insurance is the process of evaluating an applicant's financial status to determine the risk of insuring them and to classify them fairly so that appropriate premium rates can be charged. 

During the underwriting process, the insurance company will review the applicant's financial information, including their net worth, salary, and other financial obligations, to confirm that they are buying an appropriate amount of coverage.

In life insurance, the ability to pay the premium on time is verified throughout the underwriting process. As a result, applicants for insurance receive policies based on their ability to adhere to the payment schedule.

The following insurance documents are essential for a financial underwriter to review.

2. Medical Underwriting
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All aspects of an individual's health and medical history are taken into account throughout the medical underwriting process (if any). After thoroughly evaluating the applicant's health, the underwriter grants coverage for the policy.

The insurer's premium would be loaded or set at a greater rate than usual if their health risk was high. If the health risk is particularly significant, the insurer may delay or decline coverage. There could also be a waiting period or an exclusion clause in more high risk situations of individuals .

A health insurance underwriter will ask for information like.

Policyholders should be honest about their details to ensure a smooth and timely underwriting process. Being truthful allows the insurance company to estimate their risk profile accurately and, thus, the premium they will have to pay. It also ensures that the claim is not denied at a later stage due to incorrect information provided during the underwriting process. By providing accurate information, policyholders can expect fair pricing and no surprises in the future.

What is the step-by-step process of underwriting?
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The insurance underwriting procedure involves the following steps.

Step 1: Proposal form review
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Step 2: Medical examination
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Step 3: Final approval
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How much time does it take to underwrite a policy?
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Mostly two to eight weeks may pass during the underwriting procedure for life insurance. The underwriter checks the details you've provided in the proposal form to ensure you can afford the premium. If you are honest about the information you provide, the insurance company can authenticate your coverage and the premium smoothly. Consequently, be forthright while communicating with insurance providers.

What are the outcomes of underwriting?
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When applying for life insurance, your application goes through an underwriting process where the insurance company assesses your risk level. There are four possible outcomes of this process: acceptance, postponement, rejection, or counteroffer.

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When the risk is considered typical, the insurance application is accepted without charging any additional premium.

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High but only temporary risks may be postponed in life insurance policies until they diminish or are eliminated.

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If the risk is too great, the insurance coverage will be denied.

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If the insurance company deems the risk too high at the current rate, they may offer a counterproposal. This could include a shorter policy term, a lower sum assured, a higher premium, a waiting period, or temporary or permanent exclusion.

8 Warning signs from underwriters
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Underwriting standards for life insurance vary from company to company, but there are some universal parameters that most insurers follow when looking for "red flags." Insurers may respond to these potential dangers by decreasing their coverage, charging more premiums, or rejecting an application for life insurance. 

Among the most important reasons for rejecting a life insurance application include a smoking history and a diagnosis of potentially fatal diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, or a blood-borne illness. Other factors that can lead to a rejection may include the following.

Obesity: In most cases, an insurer would request further medical documentation if a policyholder has a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above. A high body mass index (BMI) is a common reason for application denial.

Uncontrolled blood pressure: Life insurance companies may deny coverage if you have high blood pressure unless it's controlled with medication. Adverse reactions might result from inappropriate or unmanaged stress.

Travel: Insurance companies may refuse a policy if the policyholder wants to visit a dangerous or unstable country.

Drug use: Use of narcotics will result in a rejection. Each insurance company has its policy on marijuana use.

Risky occupation: Applicants with high-risk employment, such as pilots and police bomb specialists, may need to seek coverage via speciality carriers or employer plans.

Alcohol use: The more alcohol you consume than the usual person, the higher your premiums will be. The application could be rejected if the applicant has been drinking heavily.

Dangerous hobbies: If applicants engage in high-risk hobbies like skydiving or auto racing, they may be charged far more for insurance or denied coverage altogether.

Applicants with poor driving record: Some insurance companies might turn down an applicant with a history of dangerous or drunken driving.

Does having a medical condition mean automatic rejection of life insurance?
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Having any of these conditions is not an automatic denial of insurance. Nonetheless, you could have fewer options and a higher insurance cost. But bear in mind that as medical science progresses, other choices may become available. In those days, a person with an HIV diagnosis couldn't acquire medically underwritten insurance. However, the IRDAI has recommended insurers to add coverage for HIV by directing them to issue health insurance policies designed specifically for individuals suffering from HIV.

What to do if you are at a higher risk of rejection?
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People are accepted for coverage despite having a minor or easily managed health condition. You have two primary choices if your medical history or current health concerns make it likely that you will not "pass" a mandatory medical examination. 

Common Life Insurance Plans in India 
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In India, various life insurance plans are available. Each has unique features and benefits, catering to the diverse needs of individuals and families. Common options include:

Term Life Insurance

Life coverage for a specific duration. A perfect option for people who want a financial safety net for their loved ones.

Whole Life Insurance

Financial protection for a lifetime, along with saving components. Maturity benefit once completing 100 years of age.

Endowment Plans

Financial protection plus guaranteed returns. Maturity benefit when the policy term ends. A perfect option for those who want life cover insurance and guaranteed returns

Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)

Financial protection plus investment options. Maturity benefit when the policy term ends. For those who want life coverage and investment opportunities to build wealth.

Why Choose ACKO Life Flexi Term Plan?
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ACKO Life Flexi Term Plan is a Pure, Non-Linked, highly flexible life insurance option offering pure protection. It's designed to provide coverage for you and your family, with unique features to adjust the coverage and terms as your needs change over time. 

Customise Policy Term Based on your changing requirements, you can increase your policy term (once a year)  and decrease it (after five years). 

Customise Sum Assured You can increase it (once a year) and decrease it after five years of policy tenure based on no. of dependents, financial obligations, etc.

Add Riders Customise your plan with ACKO Life Accidental Death Benefit Rider, ACKO Life Accidental Total Permanent Disability Benefit Rider, and ACKO Life Critical Illness Benefit Rider. 

Add or Change Nominees Add, modify, or even change your nominees whenever you want.

Choose Payout Option Decide how your nominee receives the benefit (monthly or one-time full payment).

Save Taxes Easily save up to ₹45,000 on taxes under Section 80C.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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Here are some common questions about life insurance underwriting.


Is there any fee for life insurance underwriting? 

No, the life insurance underwriting process is free for applicants.

What are the four risks as categorised by life insurance companies? 

Life insurance companies categorise risks into four types: standard, preferred, substandard, and declined.

What is verbal/tele-medical underwriting? 

Verbal/tele-medical underwriting is a process in which the tele-medical team of the insurance company uses a video call to verify the information provided in a proposal form.

Which factors play a role in life insurance underwriting? 

Some of the common factors are age, lifestyle, occupation, gender and medical history. 

What are the two types of life insurance underwriting? 

Medical underwriting and financial underwriting are two types of underwriting in life insurance. Policyholders should be honest about their details to ensure a smooth and timely underwriting process.

Is there any fee for life insurance underwriting? 

No, the life insurance underwriting process is free for applicants.

What are the four risks as categorised by life insurance companies? 

Life insurance companies categorise risks into four types: standard, preferred, substandard, and declined.

What is verbal/tele-medical underwriting? 

Verbal/tele-medical underwriting is a process in which the tele-medical team of the insurance company uses a video call to verify the information provided in a proposal form.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. It is based on industry experience and several secondary sources on the internet, and is subject to changes.