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Child Health Insurance Plan

Children's Health Insurance is a unique insurance that helps care for your child's medical needs.

✓ ZERO out of pocket costs ✓ ZERO waiting period ✓ ZERO deductions at claim

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Home / Health Insurance / Child Health Insurance Plan

Children's health is always a top concern. Securing their well-being includes investing in a specialised financial tool called a Child Health Insurance Plan. In India, where healthcare costs are rising, having a dedicated health insurance plan for your child is a prudent and caring decision.

What is Children's Health Insurance?
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Children's Health Insurance is a unique insurance that helps care for your child's medical needs. In India, it's crucial to have this kind of insurance because it ensures that your child can get the best medical help whenever they need it.

Imagine if your child gets sick or needs to see a doctor. The bills for medicines, doctor visits, or hospital stays can add up and become expensive. Children's Health Insurance helps you cover these costs so you don't have to worry about the money part and can focus on making your child feel better.

It's like having a safety net for your child's health. You pay a small amount regularly to the insurance company; in return, they help you with the medical expenses when your child is unwell.

This insurance usually covers doctor visits, hospital stays, medicines, tests, and sometimes even vaccinations. It's like having a friend to support you when your child is not feeling well.

Look into different insurance options and choose one that fits your needs and budget. Your child's health is important, and having a Children's Health plan can give you peace of mind, knowing that you're prepared for any unexpected health issues.

How Does Children Health Insurance (CHI) Plan Work?
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A Children's Health Insurance Plan in India is like a safety net for your child's health. It's like having a friend that protects your little one from unexpected health problems. Let's break it down!

Remember, a Children's Health Insurance Plan is like a shield that protects your child's health. It's a smart and caring move to ensure your little one is always safe and healthy.

Why should you buy Children's Health Insurance? What are the benefits?
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Let's dive into why getting children's health insurance in India is great!

Healthcare Costs Are Rising
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Medical expenses are increasing, and children, like adults, may need medical attention at any time. Health insurance means you won't have to worry about the financial burden when caring for your child's health.The costs of treatments, surgeries, and even routine check-ups are rising rapidly; having insurance ensures that these escalating costs don’t compromise your child’s health or financial stability.

Peace of Mind
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Knowing that your child is covered for medical emergencies gives you peace of mind. You can focus on nurturing and enjoying your child's growth without the constant worry about unforeseen healthcare expenses.This mental comfort is invaluable, as it allows parents to raise their children with one less primary concern, knowing that they can provide for their child's health needs without delay or hesitation.

Timely Medical Care
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With health insurance, you can get medical care promptly when needed. Prompt medical attention is crucial for a child's well-being, and insurance ensures no delays due to financial concerns. Immediate access to healthcare can be critical, especially in emergencies or conditions that require quick intervention to prevent complications, promoting better health outcomes for your child.

Preventive Healthcare
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Children's health insurance often covers preventive check-ups and vaccinations. These regular health check-ups help catch any potential health issues early, ensuring a healthy start for your child. Preventive care is essential for long-term health, helping to avoid serious illnesses through early diagnosis and regular monitoring, which can lead to interventions that prevent diseases from developing or worsening.

Financial Protection
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Accidents and illnesses can happen unexpectedly. Health insurance acts as a financial safeguard, protecting your savings and ensuring your child receives the best medical care without breaking the bank.This protection covers various expenses, from doctor's visits and emergency procedures to ongoing treatments, thus preventing significant financial disruption in your family life.

Lifelong Benefits
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Some children's health insurance plans offer benefits that extend into adulthood. Starting early with a health insurance policy means your child might enjoy continuous coverage even as they grow up.This continuity can be crucial, particularly if your child develops a chronic condition requiring ongoing care, ensuring they remain insured and protected as they transition into adult life without pre-existing condition clauses.

Tax Benefits
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In India, children's health insurance premiums are eligible for tax deductions. It's a win-win – protect your child's health and save on taxes! These savings can significantly lower your taxable income and invest in your child's future well-being. This fiscal advantage underscores the dual benefits of health insurance, making it a financially sound decision for your family.

Accessible Quality Healthcare
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With your health plan, you can choose to get treatment from a list of hospitals. Your insurance company will have tie-ups with many hospitals. This ensures that your child receives high-quality medical care wherever you are in India. Having the option to access top healthcare facilities across the country means your child will always receive the best possible care, regardless of where life takes you.


Secure Your Future with ACKO Life Flexi Term Plan:
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 Affordable Coverage @₹534/month & Tax Savings up to ₹54,600*
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Having both health and life insurances is crucial for complete financial security and stability. In fact, get ACKO Life Flexi Term plan at ₹534 per month. These plans protect your family’s future and can help you save taxes of up to ₹ 54600 per annum. Meanwhile, use ACKO’s Term Insurance Calculator to compare policies and rates. Moreover, buying it early will lead to lower premiums bargains and peace of mind.



Maximise Tax Savings up to ₹54,600*

Maximize your tax savings while securing your family's future.

Customise your coverage amount

Adapt your coverage as your life evolves and your needs change. You can increase your coverage once a year and reduce it anytime after five years.

Customise your policy term

Extend or shorten the policy term based on your life stage and commitments.

Add or change your nominees

Modify or add nominees as your family grows.

Modify how your nominees get paid

Adjust the payout structure to best meet their future needs.

Additional Benefits

Create your will digitally for FREE

Types of Medical Insurance Plan Available for Child
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When caring for your little ones, having the right medical insurance is like a superhero cape for their health. In India, a few types of medical insurance plans are specially designed for kids. Let's explore them in simple terms.

Remember, choosing a plan that fits your family's needs and budget is important. Each plan has its own superpowers, so pick the one that suits your child's needs the best.

Choosing the right health insurance policy for your child
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Taking care of your child's health is a top priority, and choosing the right health insurance policy can give you peace of mind. In India, it's important to understand the ins and outs to make a smart choice. Let's break it down for you.


Understand Your Child's Needs
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First things first, assess your child's health needs. Consider their age, any existing medical conditions, and potential future health requirements. Do they need special coverage for vaccinations, dental care, or specific treatments? Understanding these needs will guide you in choosing the right policy.

Reflect on your child's typical health patterns, any hereditary conditions that might require early interventions and their lifestyle, which might necessitate specific healthcare supports. This comprehensive insight ensures your chosen policy will adequately cover their unique health trajectory, providing tailored healthcare solutions as they grow.


Coverage and Benefits
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Check what the policy covers. Look for coverage of hospitalisation, doctor consultations, medicines, diagnostic tests, surgeries, and other essential healthcare services. Ensure it includes a wide range of treatments relevant to children.

It’s vital to ensure comprehensive coverage, including emergent care, chronic conditions, and even alternative treatments where necessary. Consider policies that also offer vaccination coverage and annual health check-ups, as these can prevent future health issues and detect ongoing concerns early, which is especially important in developmental years.


Network Hospitals
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See if the policy has a good network of hospitals, especially in your area. Access to nearby quality hospitals ensures timely and convenient healthcare for your child.

Check if these hospitals have pediatric specialists and facilities equipped to handle children’s medical needs, as specialised care can significantly affect outcomes in pediatric healthcare. Ensure that the hospitals in the network are known for high standards of care and have an excellent infrastructure to support various medical needs.


Premiums and Costs
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Consider the premium cost. Choose a plan that fits your budget while providing adequate coverage. Balance is key! It's essential to look at the cost and compare what each plan offers relative to its price. Consider plans that may have higher premiums but offer more extensive coverage or lower out-of-pocket costs, which can be more cost-effective in the long run, especially if your child requires ongoing medical attention.


Waiting Period and Pre-existing Conditions
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Understand the waiting period for specific illnesses and pre-existing conditions. Opt for a shorter waiting period policy for a smoother claims process.The shorter the waiting period, the sooner you can benefit from coverage, which is particularly crucial if your child has a condition that requires immediate and continuous care. In reviewing this aspect, ensure you're also aware of any limitations the policy might impose once the waiting period has passed, such as coverage caps or additional waiting periods for other services.


Claim Process and Settlement Ratio
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Research the claim process and the insurance company's claim settlement ratio. A high settlement ratio indicates a good track record of settling claims, which is crucial during emergencies. A simple and transparent claim process can alleviate stress during potentially difficult times. Review testimonials and experiences from other customers to gauge the insurer’s responsiveness and support during the claims process.


Exclusions and Limitations
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Carefully read the policy document to understand exclusions and limitations. Be aware of what is not covered to avoid any surprises later.This can include certain types of treatments, specific diseases, or limits on room rent, which can significantly impact your out-of-pocket expenses during a hospital stay. Knowing these details helps make an informed decision and prepare financially for potential uncovered costs.


Customer Support and Reviews
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Check the insurance company's customer service reputation. Good customer support ensures assistance during policy selection and claim processes. Efficient customer service can provide guidance when you need to make crucial decisions regarding your child’s health interventions, and positive reviews often indicate that the insurer handles queries and issues effectively, adding an extra layer of reassurance when you need support.


Family Floater or Individual Policy
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Decide if you want a family floater policy covering the entire family or an individual policy for your child. Each option has its merits; a family floater might be cost-effective and easier to manage, while an individual policy for your child ensures that they have a dedicated sum insured which is not impacted by claims made for other family members, providing a buffer in case of multiple health issues within the family in any given year.


Government Schemes and Subsidies
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Look into government schemes or subsidies for child healthcare. Some states offer healthcare policies or assistance for children at reduced costs or even for free.

Look into government schemes or subsidies for child healthcare. Some states offer healthcare policies or assistance for children at reduced costs or even for free.



Inclusions of Children Health Insurance Plans
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Here are some general inclusions of a child health plan.

  • Doctor Visits and Check-ups: Children are like little explorers, and regular doctor visits are their health adventures. A good children's health insurance plan often covers these visits, including routine check-ups and vaccinations.

  • Hospitalisation Expenses: Kids can sometimes get sick or injured and may need to stay in the hospital. A children's health insurance plan helps cover these expenses, including room charges, medical tests, and medications.

  • Surgical Procedures: If a child needs surgery due to an illness or injury, the insurance plan helps cover the surgical costs, anaesthesia charges, and other related expenses.

  • Medications: Kids may need medicines to get better when they are unwell. A children's health insurance plan usually covers the cost of prescribed medicines, ensuring they get the right treatment.

  •  Diagnostic Tests: Sometimes, children may need various tests to diagnose their health condition. These tests can be expensive, but a good health insurance plan for kids usually covers them.

  • Preventive Care: Prevention is better than cure! These plans often include preventive care measures like screenings, vaccinations, and dental check-ups to keep your child healthy.

  • Emergency Ambulance Services: When a child needs immediate medical attention, the insurance usually covers the cost of ambulance services to transport them safely to the hospital.

  • Critical Illness Cover: Some health insurance plans for children also provide coverage for critical illnesses. This helps in managing the high treatment costs for severe health conditions.

Exclusions of Children Health Insurance Plans in India
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When you get a health insurance plan for your child, it's super important to know what it covers and what it doesn't. The insurance may not cover certain things, and these are called "exclusions."

  • Pre-existing Conditions: If your child has any health issues before getting the insurance, these won't be covered initially. Usually, insurance companies need a waiting period before they start covering these conditions.

  • Waiting Periods: Some treatments or conditions might have a waiting period before they are covered. During this time, you won't be able to claim insurance for those specific things.

  • Specific Treatments: Certain treatments like cosmetic surgeries or non-medical treatments might not be covered. The insurance usually focuses on necessary medical treatments.

  • Maternity and Fertility Treatments: If your child's health insurance doesn't specifically state coverage for maternity or fertility treatments, those expenses won't be covered.

  • Injuries Due to Risky Activities: Injuries resulting from adventurous activities or extreme sports might not be covered. Always check if these are part of the policy.

  • Dental and Eye Care: Basic dental and eye care might not be covered under a regular health insurance plan. There are separate insurance plans for dental and eye care.

  • HIV/AIDS and STDs: These are generally not covered as they are long-term and chronic conditions.

  • Self-inflicted Injuries or Substance Abuse: The insurance may not cover any harm caused intentionally or due to substance abuse.

  • Experimental Treatments: Treatments that are still being researched or considered experimental might not be covered.

Children Health Insurance Eligibility Criteria
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In India, different types of health plans are specifically designed for children to ensure they receive the best medical care when needed. These plans typically have specific eligibility criteria to ensure children can benefit from them.

To be eligible for children's health insurance in India, your child usually needs to be between 3 months to 25 years old. This age range may vary slightly depending on the insurance provider and the specific policy you're looking at.

Most health insurance plans for children will require them to be Indian residents. This means your child should have a permanent address in India.

Additionally, you usually need to be the policyholder or co-policyholder. This ensures you are responsible for managing the policy and making necessary payments.

When applying for insurance, providing accurate and complete information about your child's health and medical history is essential. This helps the insurer gauge the risk and tailor the policy to your child's specific needs.

Make sure to read and understand the terms and conditions of the health insurance policy for children thoroughly. Choosing a policy that provides adequate coverage for your child's healthcare needs is critical.

How to Buy the Best Health Insurance Plan for Kids?
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Getting the right health insurance for your child is a smart move that ensures they stay healthy and happy. Here's a simple guide to help you choose the best child health insurance plan in India.


Understand Your Needs
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Start by understanding what your child needs. Consider their age, potential health risks, and any specific medical conditions. This will help you choose a plan that covers the necessary medical expenses.


Research Different Plans
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Look for health insurance plans specifically designed for children in India. Compare each plan's coverage, premium, waiting period, and benefits. Opt for plans that cover vaccinations, regular health check-ups, and common illnesses.


Check Network Hospitals
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Ensure that the insurance company has a wide network of hospitals in your area. This will make it convenient for you to avail of medical services when needed.


Read Reviews and Feedback
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Reviews from other parents who have purchased child health insurance can be valuable. Their experiences can provide important insights and help you make an informed decision.


Consult an Insurance Advisor
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Consider consulting a trusted insurance advisor or agent who can explain the details of various child health insurance plans. 


Customise the Plan
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Choose a plan that allows customization. Tailor the plan according to your child's needs and your budget. Some plans offer add-ons for dental care, eye care, etc., which can be beneficial.


Check Waiting Periods
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Be aware of waiting periods for pre-existing conditions and specific treatments. Select a plan with minimal waiting periods to ensure your child gets immediate coverage when needed.


Assess Premium and Affordability
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Compare the premiums of the shortlisted plans and select one that fits your budget without compromising on essential coverage.


Read the Fine Print
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Carefully read and understand the policy terms, conditions, and exclusions. Clarify any doubts you have with the insurance provider before finalising the plan.


Buy Online for Convenience
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Consider buying the child health insurance plan online for ease and convenience. Most insurance providers have user-friendly websites that allow you to compare, choose, and purchase a plan hassle-free.

Things to remember while buying health insurance for child
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When it comes to our little ones, their health is our top priority. That's why getting the right health insurance for your child is super important. Here are some things to keep in mind while you're on this journey.

Coverage That Fits Your Needs
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Ensure the health insurance plan covers your child's needs – hospitalisation, doctor visits, medicines, and vaccinations. Look for a plan that includes a wide range of health services.Make sure it also covers outpatient services, emergency room visits, and speciality care, which might include paediatricians, child psychologists, or orthopaedic care for children. Also, consider whether the plan covers alternative treatments that may be beneficial as your child grows, such as physiotherapy or speech therapy, ensuring the plan adapts to changing health needs over time.

Network Hospitals
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Check if the insurance company has a good network of hospitals in your area or where you usually reside. Having a hospital nearby can be a big relief during emergencies.. It's essential to ensure these network hospitals have pediatric facilities and specialists experienced in child healthcare. Additionally, verify whether these hospitals have a good reputation for pediatric care and the availability of 24/7 emergency services, which are crucial for immediate and effective treatment of acute conditions.

Claim Process Simplified
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Opt for a health insurance plan with an easy and straightforward claim process. You don't want to deal with unnecessary hassles during stressful times.Ensure that the insurance provider offers support through a dedicated helpline and assistance handling paperwork and formalities. A user-friendly online portal for managing claims and accessing policy information can significantly reduce the administrative burden and help focus on your child's recovery instead.

Waiting Periods and Pre-existing Conditions
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Understand the waiting period for specific illnesses and whether pre-existing conditions are covered. This helps you plan better and know when certain treatments become eligible.Ensure that the waiting periods are reasonable, and the coverage for pre-existing conditions begins as early as possible. This is particularly important if your child has a chronic condition that requires ongoing medical attention so you're not left out of pocket for significant initial costs.

Premium and Affordability
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Consider your budget and choose a premium that you can comfortably pay. A wide variety of plans are available, so find one that suits your financial capabilities. Look for plans that offer flexible payment terms and the possibility of adjusting coverage amounts or premium payments as your financial situation changes. This ensures the insurance remains affordable without compromising the necessary coverage as your child's healthcare needs evolve.


No Claim Bonus (NCB)
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Some insurance plans offer a no claim bonus, increasing your insured sum for every claim-free year. It's a good feature to have as your child grows older and might need higher coverage. This bonus can accumulate and significantly increase the total available coverage without any additional cost, providing more robust financial protection as healthcare costs rise or as more complex healthcare needs emerge with age.

Additional Benefits
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Look for extra perks like wellness programs, health check-ups, or discounts on medicines. These can add great value to your health insurance.Also, consider whether the plan includes dental and vision care, often needed as children grow and are typically not covered under standard health insurance policies.

Policy Renewal
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Check the policy's renewal process and ensure it's easy to renew. Continuity in health coverage is crucial.

Read the Fine Print
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Read the policy documents carefully, understanding all the terms and conditions. If something is unclear, don't hesitate to contact the insurance provider for clarification.

Frequently Asked Questions
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Below are some of the frequently asked questions on Child Health Insurance Plans


Why should I buy health insurance for my child?

Purchasing health insurance for your child ensures their well-being and provides financial protection in case of unexpected medical expenses. It covers doctor visits, vaccinations, emergencies, and more, giving you peace of mind.

Are there any waiting periods under children's health insurance plans?

Waiting periods may vary by insurance provider and plan. Generally, there's a waiting period for pre-existing conditions. Reviewing the policy terms to understand waiting periods specific to your child's health insurance is essential.

What is the right time to buy health insurance for kids?

The best time is now! The sooner you buy, the better, as it ensures coverage from an early age. Start when your child is healthy to avoid potential future exclusions due to pre-existing conditions.

Do children have to undergo pre-policy medical check-ups before buying health insurance for kids?

Typically, most children do not require pre-policy medical check-ups. However, you should check with your insurance provider to understand their specific requirements for your child's age and health condition.

Is health insurance for children costly?

No, health insurance for children is designed to be affordable. Premiums are usually lower than for adults. The cost varies based on factors like coverage, provider, and location. Compare options to find a suitable, budget-friendly plan for your child.

Can a child be denied health insurance?

In most cases, children are not denied health insurance. Insurance providers aim to offer coverage to children, ensuring their well-being. However, pre-existing conditions might affect coverage terms and waiting periods.

Can I get health insurance for my child only?

Yes, you can get health insurance specifically for your child. It's a great way to ensure your child receives adequate medical care and attention. Look for insurance plans tailored to children's needs for comprehensive coverage.

Can I buy a health insurance plan for just my child?

Yes, you can buy an individual health insurance plan for your child. You can opt for a separate child health insurance plan which covers a child right from day one. An individual plan is a standalone health insurance plan for your child.

Which is the best health insurance plan for my child?

There are a variety of child health insurance plans available. Choosing the best health insurance plan depends on your needs and the coverage benefits offered by the insurance policy. You can either go for an individual child health insurance plan or opt for a family floater plan. It all depends on your choice.

Is a newborn baby covered under the parent's health insurance plan?

Yes. If the parents have a family floater health insurance policy, then the newborn baby is covered under the insurance policy. The policy will cover the medical expenses of the newborn baby for up to 90 days, and post 90 days the baby can be included as a nominee in the family floater plan.

How many members can be covered under the family floater health insurance plan?

A family floater health insurance plan covers the policyholder’s spouse, parents and up to 4 children. So, technically, the family floater plan covers a maximum of 8 members including the policyholder.

Which documents do I need to submit to buy a child health insurance policy?

You need to submit the birth certificate of the child and hospital discharge summary (maternity) to buy a health insurance policy for your child. Note that the required documents might vary from one insurer to another, and you might be asked to submit any other relevant documents.

How long will my child continue to get the benefits of a child health insurance plan?

The family floater insurance plan will cover your child as an infant and teenager. The maximum age limit for the coverage is between 21 and 25 years, depending on the insurer. Post that, the child will be treated as an adult, and has to purchase a separate health insurance policy.

Does a child health insurance policy offer critical illness cover?

Yes, some child health insurance plans offer critical illness cover. Go through the inclusions of the child health insurance plan to know whether the policy provides critical illness cover.

Can I buy a child health insurance plan online?

Yes, you can buy child health insurance plans online by visiting the insurer’s website, for example, If you are buying a health insurance plan for your child from ACKO, then you just need to enter a few personal details to get the health insurance quotes.

How can I avail cashless treatment in a child health insurance plan?

To avail cashless treatment for your child, you need to visit any of the insurer’s network hospitals. You need to produce the health insurance card at the hospital and fill the application to avail cashless treatment. You can avail cashless treatment facility for both planned and emergency treatment.

 Is there any discount benefit in child health insurance plans?

Yes, you can avail the No Claim Bonus discount if you have made zero claims during the tenure of the previous policy. The discount will be applied to the premium when you are renewing the child health insurance policy.